Popular Press Articles
2017 Articles
A Useful Christmas Present - and Wishful Thinking
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

Santa really was good this year. Rather than handing out expensive kitchen gadgets ...
CryptoMania and the Bitcoin Bonanza
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Long Room (2017).

Whatever the crypto-coins may be (there are currently over eight hundred varieties of the kind), they certainly are finding a slew of followers...
Buds on Mars
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017).

Can't wait for having a cool Bud on Mars?
A Plea for the Night
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

Everyone cherishes the night. For most of us it's a time for contemplation, rest and recuperation from the day's hectic activities. For others, a "day of work" starts at nightfall.
Free Speech — so Yesteryear — now it's "Values"
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017).

Are you still adhering to 16th century thinking? That was the Renaissance Period, a time when the arts (with the likes of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo)
and sciences (for example, think Galileo and Paracelsus) blossomed...
Where's Your Leonardo?
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017).

Perhaps, it's time to check the stuff collecting dust in your attic?
To the Corn-Farming CLIMATE Protectors — especially in Iowa and Illinois
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

... , perhaps it's time to get weaned off the bio-ethanol bandwagon.
Hydrogen-Powered Cars — A Pipedream
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2013).

... The fact is and will remain: Elemental hydrogen as energy carrier for cars is a pipedream.
Goodbye to Gasoline ...
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

What would use more energy for the work of pulling a wagon for 1000 miles across the same landscape: an old mule or a modern electric vehicle?
Betting on HIGH, or LOW?
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).

Just in case you are wondering what this is about, it's about the small town of Show Low in Arizona with a population of around 10,000.
Hurricane Irma and the sensitive issue of "climate change"
(translation of article by Dr. W. Thüne)
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).

Since time immemorial, the weather has been a common theme among people. That was the case a thousand years ago and modern newscasts would be incomplete without weather information.
The Oracle of Apollo
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017).

In former times, it was thought to be prudent to consult with the purveyors of advice and wisdom prior to major undertakings, such as starting big wars.
The Hunt for October
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017).

Submarine warfare systems are in a class of their own. ... What has changed in 100 years?
Looking for a new Career?
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

With the current "War on Monuments" just getting underway, new and lucrative jobs will be coming up soon, for example, for good ....
Loons, Loonies, and Lunatics
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017).

On the many lakes covering the continental Granite Shield, the Common Loon is a regular sight that everyone enjoys.
A Keynote Address to Forget
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).

Dr. Steven Chu's keynote address to the attendees of the 2017 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting was presented by his colleague, Dr. W. Moerner.
Jumping Kangaroos: 1 — Autonomous Cars: 0
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).

... self-driving, i.e. "autonomous cars" have a problem, at least in Aussie-land. They can't figure out whether the kangaroos are going to jump or not or, if so, where to.
Not worth a Penny
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).

Just a few years ago, the government of the sovereign state of Zimbabwe thought it could create money out of nothing.
Our Neighbors
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).

Not my usual rant. A brief video recorded by our trail camera. It shows an unusual scene ...
Turtles and Reality
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).
Also translated into Italian by
M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2017).

Painted turtle; photo credit: Wikipedia
... several kinds of turtles are common, including Painted turtles, Map turtles, and others. On a sunny spring day, one can see several out of the water on a rock, trying to catch a ray of warm sunshine ...
Train of Thoughts
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).

Photo credit: Chattanooga Choo-Choo
Am I reading right? A (railway) train jumped the tracks, right in a major city's main train station?
Sunny Roof Tiles and Boring Tunnels
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

Photo credit: Business Insider.
Well, on the surface, the recently touted "solar roof tiles" sound like a great idea ...
Your Condo on the Moon
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

Colonizing the Moon has been claimed to be the stepping stone for colonizing planet Mars (NASA: "En Route to Mars").
Soon, Everyone can be Happy, or High
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

Perhaps, that will be better — or not; time will tell. Of course, I'm talking about the plant Cannabis sp., known as marijuana, the new "vice of choice."
Dear Postmaster General,
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017).

... Not to forget, the daily "health-exercises" of trekking to the community mailboxes to retrieve our dose of donation-seeking "Dear Friend /Supporter" letters and the like.
On behalf of all our friends, neighbours, acquaintances ...
Growing Spuds on Mars
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

Yours truly has a preference for spuds over rice as the dietary "carb." So, you may forgive me for being interested in news about this tuber-kind being potentially feeding the future colonists on planet Mars.
Playing Ball
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).

The drive to find novel energy storage systems for all the "alternative" energy produced from wind-turbines and solar (photovoltaic) systems is fostering the most bizarre ideas.
Uh, "Internet-Connected Mousetraps"
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017).

... Even "Sharks" are now trying to feed on little mice...
2017 -- Year of the Blue Rooster?
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).
According to the Chinese calendar, this year (2017 A.D.) is also the "Lunar Year of the Fire Rooster."
Journalists' Tendencies to "Boil-over"
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017).
Also translated into Italian by
M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2017).
A little visual display of one of those posts may help you along in understanding the grave danger from that sea of "boiling carbon." Just look at the picture nearby...
What's on Your Mind?
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).
Soon it may not matter anymore what you say or write as science will be able to detect what you TRULY THINK, ...
It's about Time ...
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).
... governments might think of taxing (your) time then, too ..."
Dear Aunt Climate —
a letter from your nephew Willie
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2017).
... my best wishes for your continued happiness and prosperity ..."
Downhill at Davos
Ice Age Now (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Canada Free Press (2017.
The town of Davos-Klosters, population 11,000, in the Swiss Canton of Graubünden is famed for its sport attractions, especially downhill ski-slopes..."
No Justice for Justin?
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017).
Jane's still enamored by "good looking liberals" but appears to have lost her previous penchant for "high hopes that [Prime Minister] Justin Trudeau's Liberal government would follow through on commitments made there [in Paris, 2015],"
Heating empty Buildings with Wood-Pellets — to get Rich
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).
"Businesses that signed up to the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) could receive £160 from the government for every £100 they spent on ... wood pellets...
Open Letter to Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).
As of January 1st, 2017, consumers of carbon-based energy in Ontario are forced to pay for a "Cap and Trade" surcharge of approximately 5%.
Avoid Crocs and Crooks
Canada Free Press (2017), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2017), and
Ice Age Now (2017).
Ever tried to swim in a Floridian swamp, no? Not even dangled your toesies in one? Neither?
Other Books by the Author
of chemicals to Photobacterium phosphoreum.
KLE, Devillers J. Gordon and Breach Science Publ., ISBN:
2-88124-974-4, (1994).
in Environmental Toxicology - II.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D.
Reidel Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-2555-1, (1987).
in Environmental Toxicology.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D. Reidel
Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-1776-1, (1984).
Some other publications by the
Evolution of the
International Workshops on Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationships (QSARs) in Environmental Toxicology.
& QSAR Env. Res., 18: 3-20 (2007).
Data Sources.
Chapter 2 in Predicting Chemical
Toxicity and Fate. Cronin MTD, Livingstone DJ (eds.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton, (2004).
Catalysis —
where we should apply it now!
Can. Chemical News,
ACCN, 50(7/8): 27 (1999).
Hydrogen, fuel of
the future?
Can. Chemical News, ACCN, 50(5):
29 (1999).
Erroneous Data: Avenues for Detection and
Quintessence, 1(4): 13-16 (1995).
[Contact author for reprint].